Friday, April 22, 2011

Cruise Lovers + TPC Pro Travel = Cheap Cruise

Hello TPC-Pro-Travel members and guests, it's been a while, but as you can see today's topic is about cheap cruises. It is our goal to ensure that our members are always being ticketed the rock bottom prices for all types of travel, and we know that cruise season is fast approaching. Today's testimonial is from Janet B., and she has a bit to say about her experience with our company's Pro-Travel department. Before moving further, we feel it is important to note that we have our first company testimonial available for viewing here.

Now let's take a quick peek at what Janet B. had to say:

id they have the produce I requested?   Yes, in a matter of a 5 minutes or less, they came back with a price on the EXACT cruise that we had requested.  How was my booking/ordering experience?  I called the travel agency, booked the cruise through a very courteous and helpful agent, and got a couple of questions answered with...
Make sure to read the entire story here. Thank you for visiting